Low-Cost Experiments in STEM Education

Projects that are low-cost to implement.

(L1) 2-Penny Physics. Linear Momentum Conservation, L. Galante (IT)

Institution: Politecnico di Torino

Subjects: Physics

The project refers to an experiment involving the entire class in a low-cost experimental investigation, which can be carried out in the classroom on each student’s desk, with an apparatus made of paper and two 1-cent coins (hence the title). The aim is to discover that linear momentum is conserved in collisions and that the conservation is vectorial. The apparatus accelerates one of the two coins generating a collision with the second one, initially at rest. The proposed inquiry-based activity allows to create a meaningful connection with the physics of accelerators, particle physics and fundamental interaction theory.

(L2) Demonstration devices that facilitate understanding of Bernoulli’s law, S. Abisheva (KZ)

Institution: Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Almaty

Subjects: Science, art

To facilitate understanding of Bernoulli’s law, a demonstrator device was constructed from a fine mesh and threads attached to it. This device clearly shows:

  • that the pressure in the airflow is equal to atmospheric pressure.
  • local changes in pressure in the flow when air flows around any obstacle.
    The demonstrator device helps students find the correct answer to the teacher’s questions about pressure in the airflow and atmospheric pressure and why the ball does not fly out of the airflow. In addition, another demonstrator device was constructed from water fittings. This device clearly shows the change in air flow pressure depending on the change in the cross-section of the pipe.


(L3) About color vision: Where physics, physiology and technology meet, P. Lazos (GR)

Institution: 4th Laboratory Center of Natural Sciences of Athens

Subjects: Physics, biology, physiology

It is probably unnecessary to write about how important color vision is, that is, the ability of humans to perceive colors. The trichromatic theory, constructed in the 19th century by pioneers such as Young and Helmholtz, explains the perception of colors as the result of the functioning of specialized photoreceptors known as cones in the human retina.
Our project aims to familiarize students through a series of experimental activities with the theory and its technological applications, the way colors are perceived, and the challenges individuals with CVD face in their daily lives. The activities primarily use simple materials, while in some cases, Arduino microcontrollers are employed.


(L4) Astrobiology: A Low-Cost Journey, S. Naismith (UK)

Institution: Gartcosh Primary School

Subjects: Mathematics, science, art, social studies, health and wellbeing, numeracy

Is there anybody out there? Humans have looked to the stars and asked that question for centuries. Sci-fi movies and books continue to explore this topic and children are fascinated by space and what might be out there. By taking children on a journey as an Astrobiologist, searching for life in our solar system, they can engage in exciting and fascinating low-cost and easily resourced experiments linking multiple elements of science to other areas of the curriculum, while learning that to understand the conditions for exploring life in space, we need to understand the conditions required for life here on Earth, what we need to survive and the impact we are having on life on our planet.

(L5) Biodegradable material from bacteria and yeast, M. Kisielewski (PL)

Institution: Technical Secondary School

Subjects: Biology, chemistry, biotechnology

The aim of our project is to grow the so-called vinegar mother (SCOBY) in such a way that it is suitable for processing, drying and forming shapes. Ultimately, this material could be used to produce, among others, biodegradable packaging, bags, etc. The assumption was that this material was to be bred in the “zero waste” philosophy. The end result, i.e. the packaging itself, is also 100% biodegradable. Raw materials: to grow the symbiotic bacterial-yeast structure, commonly called the mother of vinegar, you need semi-finished products, the same as those needed to produce home-made vinegar: sugar, water, and possibly fruit.

(L6) Bubble and Anti-bubble, H. Karous (BE)

Institution: DiscoverScience

Subjects: Physics, biology, chemistry

Explore the captivating world of soap through affordable experiments highlighting chemical principles of anti-bubble and bubble formation. These experiments involve encapsulating substances, studying surfactant molecular structures, and comparing them to mRNA vaccine encapsulation. Witness and understand the collapse of an anti-bubble, delve into its optics, and calculate the apparent air layer thickness. Dive into the chemical properties, intriguing reactions, and astonishing mechanisms that make soap an essential element in our daily lives.

(L7) Building Electric Circuits Using Copper Tape, Magnets and 3D Printing, V. Kohout & V. Boček (CZ)

Institution: Charles University & Gymnazium Česká Lípa

Subjects: Physics

This project motivates teachers across educational levels to create illustrative electrical circuits in unique ways. It provides the flexibility to teach about electric circuits and components using both low-cost and high-tech methods. Conductive paths can be formed using copper tape, conductive pens, or graphite pencils. Components can be either soldered or attached using magnets under the tape. This provides easy changes of components and circuit parameters. The concept of magnetic connections has been advanced by using wires with magnetic ends and 3D-printed magnetic boxes that house components. The boxes can be interconnected via these wires.

(L8) Building Stem Connections, D. McCarthy (IE)

Institution: Hazelwood College

Subjects: Physics, mathematics, science

Some topics that do not lend themselves to experimental work are often taught using simulations. To supplement this with hands-on models, taking a narrative approach promotes greater discussion and discovery of misconceptions. Concepts like radioactivity, nuclear fission or fusion, and beta decay also require a knowledge of chemical formulae. Working with building bricks brings much greater clarity to these equations. Whereas I have used models to a limited degree in my maths classes, I now want to find other opportunities of using models to promote understanding of connections within the STEM area. Developing short animations of concepts using the models would seem a natural progression.

(L9) Albedo and ice: a feedback in action, M. Cattadori (IT)

Institution: Liceo Fabio Filzi – Liceo STEAM

Subjects: Physics, science, earth sciences, polar sciences

Albedo is a surface’s ability to reflect incoming light radiation or convert it into heat. It plays a crucial role in the radiative energy balance, providing insights into the fate of energy entering Earth. In schools, it’s commonly taught through experiments simply associating white with cool and black with warmth. This experiment, more intricate, links albedo to an ice-melting process. Through gathered evidence and planned IBSE module phases, students explore not just radiative heat but also the feedback interaction among elements of a system. This type of mechanism has been identified in climate literacy, as a fundamental principle for understanding the complexity of the climate system.

(L10) Conditions Required for Seed Germination and How Light Affects Plant Growth, B. Būmane (LV)

Institution: Tukums E.Birznieks-Upitis Elementary School No1

Subjects: Science

The project consists of two parts or 2 experiments: 1. Conditions required for seed germination. 2. How light affects the growth of plants. In this project the pupils do a full cycle of research work: students learn planning the steps of a research, hypothesis formulation, recording measurements in a table, graphical representation of data, and analysis of outcomes. The main idea is not to limit students’ desire to experiment and allow them to find out whether seeds can germinate in a refrigerator, if plants can grow in a garage or cupboard.

(L11) Cricket – Lab (Cricket – Laboratory), J.Viehweg, M. Schumann & M. Weidhase (DE)

Institution: Sächsisches Landesgymnasium Sankt Afra zu Meißen

Subjects: Biology

Crickets provide many advantages for teaching biology. They are low cost, easy to obtain, and can easily be kept in a species-appropriate manner. The living Mediterranean crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer) are not being harmed.
In the field of teaching, learning tools were developed that allow the promotion of biological competence development through a hands-on and cross-linking approach.
The Cricket Lab focuses on the competence domains structure and function as well as information and communication. The three modules: 1. cricket anatomy and sound creation, 2. cricket chirr as well as 3. cricket fighting can be implemented within the framework of regular lessons.

(L12) DIY projects and simple experiments as physics homework assignments in secondary school, M. Kiuru (FI)

Institution: Hyvinkään lukio

Subjects: Physics

Students are assigned homework that involves engaging in simple DIY projects and physics experiments that can be easily conducted outside the classroom. The materials used in the experiments can be found in students’ homes or they are very low-cost. This type of homework has the potential to unveil hidden talents in students, offering insights into their skills beyond what theoretical exams may reveal. Assignments have injected a positive outlook into studying physics. The pictures and videos students submit showcase their enjoyment of the tasks. Grading these assignments is also pleasant, and they allow students more freedom to express their creativity compared to in-class experiments.

(L13) Climate, change in the air! M. Boueiz (BE)

Institution: Université libre de Bruxelles – Département Inforsciences

Subjects: Physics, biology, chemistry, geography

We present to you a comprehensive exploration of climate and climate change. Employing various props such as a globe, a paper tube, coloured water, and ice cubes to unravel the complexities of Earth’s weather patterns. Shifting focus to climate change, experiments with vinegar, baking soda, a lamp, and precise thermometers aim to clarify the profound effects of greenhouse gases. From diminishing ice cover to rising sea levels, concise demonstrations with beakers and coloured water provide insight on climate change effects. We will also touch upon the albedo positive feedback loop using water, black and white papers, and thermometers.

(L14) Earthquake is not the one to blame, C. Aristodimou (CY)

Institution: Lanitio Lyceum

Subjects: Physics, technology, engineering, geography

The aim of the current project was to stimulate students’ curiosity and let them understand the phenomenon of the earthquake. At the beginning the students were introduces to waves and the phenomenon of resonance. Moreover, the students had to get involved in an earthquake STEM challenge! They had to build a shake table, seismograph and do an engineering design challenge to build earthquake resistant buildings. A fantastic hands on earthquake experiment and engineering project for students using simple materials.

(L15) Fishing Energy, C. Staffieri (IT)

Institution: Istituzione Scolastica Emile Lexert

Subjects: Technology, STEM

The project focuses on Technology & STEAM disciplines and aims to teach students electromagnetism and electric current concepts whilst promoting interdisciplinary skills. It introduces sustainability and the 2030 Agenda’s Goals 7 and 12, enhances motivation through gamified learning, and boosts interest in STEM fields. Innovative content allows independent learning and artifact creation. Targeted at 6-7-8 grade students, it includes three steps: introductory lessons, interactive challenges, and peer education. Students engage in experiments and creative tasks related to electricity, coding and tinkering fostering teamwork and presentation skills while potentially participating in educational events.

(L16) Flow, soft matter and the Kaye effect, J. Scheele (NL)

Institution: De HAVO Rotterdam (affiliated to Design College)

Subjects: Physics, chemistry, engineering, science, practical skills

Soft materials have exceptional properties and many applications. Shampoo, paint and ketchup are examples. “”Soft”” refers to the ability to flow or deform easily.
Soft matter is a new field of science. Make your lessons up-to-date by adding this into your class. Opportunities for theory and experimental work are presented in this project.
E.g: Allow the students to investigate flow and they will get unexpected results that challenge them about engineering. Even water might surprise. Shear thinning materials do so even more.
Demonstrate spectacular leaping shampoo, compare viscosity of honey and mayonaise…
All experiments can be performed safely with cheap and easily accessible materials.

(L17) From Static to Light: Let’s Illuminate the Charge, A. Casey (IE)

Institution: Colaiste an Chroi Naofa

Subjects: Physics

Hands-on activities guiding students through static electricity concepts and the transformation into a Triboelectric Nanogenerator (TENG) capable of lighting an LED. Activities include:
Exploring Static Electricity: Delve into electron transfer and charge creation via material friction.
Unveiling the Triboelectric Series: Experiment with material combinations to understand electron affinity.
Building and Testing TENGs: Construct and measure TENGs using various methods. Illumination: Witness the direct conversion of mechanical energy into light.
Empowering students with knowledge and inspiration, these activities prepare future scientists and engineers to address global energy challenges.

(L18) Genome edited plants with CRISPR/Cas9 – 6 stations to explore a method, H. Kusserow (DE)

Institution: Lise-Meitner-Schule

Subjects: Biology, geography, social science, ethics

The CRISPR/Cas9 technique is standard in many labs but it is difficult to convey the method and the possible applications in an understandable way in class. This is the focus of our project. It is about what CRISPR/Cas9 is, how it works, what you can do with it and what the legal situation is. At 6 stations, the pupils in small groups deal theoretically and practically with gene mutations, extraction of embryos from seeds and isolation of DNA from plants, the European Act on the Regulation of Genetic Engineering and the potential applications of the method. The project aims to enable students to make knowledge-based decisions on the future use of CRISPR in agriculture.

(L19) Grace Fo Satellites in the classroom, A. Komáromi (HU)

Institution: Balassi Bálint Eight Grade Secondary Grammar School

Subjects: Physics

The GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) Follow-On mission uses laser interferometry to examine variations in Earth’s gravity field. (https://gracefo.jpl.nasa.gov/) I present a simplified version of the measurement of the GRACE-FO satellites using Arduino. The distance changes between the model satellites are also tracked by laser ranging. The data are shown with the help of a data streamer program. This distance measurement is a key for understanding variations in Earth’s gravity field and, consequently, changes in mass distribution on the planet, therefore it is crucial for studying climate change, sea level rise, and other environmental processes.

(L20) Drop microchemistry and modeling with wooden ion puzzles, I. Paternotte (BE)

Institution: Collège Sainte Gertrude

Subjects: Chemistry

Presentation of various reactions in drops of water: a) dissolution then precipitation of solid salts, b) qualitative analysis of mineral water ions, c) buffer mixtures visualized by red cabbage staining , d) redox between various metals.
Forming a puzzle to model solid neutral salts and their dissolution by unhooking the hollow (+ ions) and humped (- ions) pieces. Using a mixture of different numbers and types of wooden puzzle pieces to model precipitation, acid-base and redox reactions and to visualize ion actors, spectators, equation weighting and stoichiometric problems with excess. Modelling the movement of ions and electrons in a battery and its salt bridge.

(L21) How Many Experiments Can Be Done with a Piece of Paper? A. Buczek & E. Miara (PL)

Institution: Herbert Secondary School & Poznan University of Technology

Subjects: Physics, art

This project shows that we can prepare a lot of experiments using simply materials, for example a sheet of paper. Among the experiments are: the law of inertia, air pressure, capillarity, balancing objects, Bernoulli’s law, resonance phenomenon, friction, properties of materials due to its shape, convection, musical instruments, optical illusion . All experiments are joined together in a form of a story.

(L22) kopylab, L. Werner & T. Eisenhardt (DE)

Institution: Gymnasium an der Hamburger Straße / kopylab

Subjects: Physics, engineering

You wouldn’t teach cooking outside of the kitchen. So why learn science from a textbook? Because lab equipment is usually expensive.
We think that every student should be able to experience phenomena directly, hands-on, no matter where they go to school. To make this a reality, we create low-cost lab kits that anybody can copy and use.
Our designs use open standard parts to ensure worldwide availability, and custom 3D-printed parts from recycled plastic. This makes them both sustainable and cost-effective.
The first kit is now out for testing. Enable your students to explore anything from acceleration to microscopes or wave optics in small teams! Each workplace costs less than € 25.

(L23) Let’s play STEM, C. Nicolaita (RO)

Institution: Scoala Gimnaziala Gheorghe Magheru

Subjects: Physics, computer science/ICT/IT, science

The students’ mission is to show their colleagues that science is interesting and that it can be the topic of interesting and exciting games, online or offline.
At the beginning of the project, students play games proposed by the teacher to test their STEM knowledge, such as:

  • Mystery boxs;
  • Endless words;
  • Vertical words;
  • 3 minutes of STEM;
  • online games.
    In the second phase, students work in teams to design a game (offline or online), using their own skills and creativity.
    Phase three is the testing phase of the games created in the classroom, with their own colleagues, when there will also be a process of interevaluating the games created by each team.
(L24) Make “ozone detector” in the school laboratory, O. Tadić (HR)

Institution: Secondary School Mate Blazina Labin

Subjects: Physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, computer science/ICT/IT, geography, environmental protection

How to monitor bad ozone exactly led to this work. We found a method of making indicators in the form of strips. I decided to make an ozone detector with students. The students measured ozone with strips in the places where they live, and with this, we covered the Labin area. With this work, we have shown that it is possible to create an ozone detector in a school lab and thereby enable the monitoring of ozone with much less resources than those required for the purchase of commercial tests. My wish was to show that with a little goodwill and with minimal funds, a detector can be prepared in every school. In this way, students are provided with a research approach to understanding the importance of air quality.

(L25) Optical phenomena with cheap materials, N. Karavasilev (BG)

Institution: First Private Mathematical High school

Subjects: Physics, chemistry, astronomy

In this project, we will demonstrate different optical phenomena, taught in school, using comparatively cheap and accessible materials. On our stand the visitors will have the chance to see: how the lenses and mirrors work, how we can make our own telescope, how the heat transfer works etc. Most of the experiments and demonstrations are designed by the author of the project. Our motivation is to show that science (especially physics) is everywhere around us and everyone can make really interesting science experiments with material which can be found in our homes. We believe, that our project will demonstrate the beauty of physics and will inspire a lot of students and teachers!

(L26) Our Friends, the Trees, E. Jobin (CA)

Institution: St-Philippe

Subjects: Mathematics, science, French, ethics, arts

Contact with nature can greatly influence the development of children. Through reading materiel and manipulation experiments, students will discover the fascinating world of trees. This multidisciplinary project will allow students to use their five senses to acquire more concrete knowledge and become familiarized with various parts of trees and their different functions. After having completed the project, students will have the chance to identify different trees found in their neighbourhood. At the end of the project, the students will each have their personal folder in which they will have collected all their new information.

(L27) From the photoelectric effect to photovoltaic pannels, M. Huyberechts (BE)

Institution: Centre Scolaire Sainte Marie – La Sagesse

Subjects: Physics

How do we get from the photoelectric effect to solar panels?
The progression from the photoelectric effect to the development of photovoltaic panels involves several key scientific and technological advancements. Here’s a brief overview of the steps that led from the photoelectric effect to the creation of solar cells and photovoltaic panels: photoelectric effect (1887-1905), quantum theory (early 20th century), semiconductor physics (mid-20th century), invention of the solar cell (1954), advancements in solar cell technology, scaling up to photovoltaic panels, applications and integration.

(L28) Photography with Pinhole Camera, K. Reinecke & M. Radewagen (DE)

Institution: Wilhelm-Gymnasium Braunschweig

Subjects: Physics, chemistry

Capturing an image on paper – somehow old-fashioned in the age of digital photography with ist unimagined possibilities for manipulating the image and constant availability. Click, a picture is taken in passing. This project introduces the students to classical analogue photography. From the formation of the image with the pinhole camera to capturing the image on black and white photographic paper. Simple experiments accompany the understanding of photochemistry. Using simple means is the showstopper of this project. A crisps tin, black-and-white photographic paper and homemade coffee-based developer provide the basis for having a photograph to go home with.

(L29) Physics at Sea – Laboratory Experiments, J. Paski (FI)

Institution: Turun Klassillinen Lukio

Subjects: Physics, engineering

Sea gives wonderful settings for different physical phenomena like wave motion and oscillation, density, equilibrium conditions in sailing i.e., forces and torque, relative motion etc. Some of these phenomena can be fitted into the classroom, whereas some can only be done on a sailboat. Experiments in this project are part of a course called Physics at sea, which focuses on the physics and engineering aspects of seafaring, but have been modified to fit the classroom and done with the basic equipment found in a high school physics laboratory. The experiments include density measurement with four different methods and a demonstration of why a clock with a pendulum is an appropriate time measuring device on a boat.

(L30) Plate tectonics experiments, P. Jeppesen (DK)

Institution: Odense Katedralskole

Subjects: Geography

Experiments will illustrate the interactions along the edges of Earth´s outer shell, which creates features such as continents, ocean basins and mountains.
1.The outer shell is called lithosphere and is composed of hard rock and is represented by an upper cookie, while the softer layer of the mantle, called the asthenosphere, is represented by the creamy filling. By using a cookie, students will make a model of divergent, convergent and transform plate boundaries.

  1. Potato flour mixed with water illustrates how the mantle can be soft and hard at the same time.
  2. The density of granite and basalt are determined to understand which tectonic plate will submerge.
  3. Oatmeal will imitate lava flow.
(L31) STEM Advent Calendar, A. Torianik (UA)

Institution: Municipal institution  Zaporizhzhia Regional Center of Environmental and Naturalistic Discipular Youth Creativity of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council

Subjects: Physics, biology, chemistry, engineering

The open-source project STEM Advent Calendar includes 16 boxes with various experiments so that teachers can independently organize the content of the advent calendar in relation to age and research tasks. The experiments are low-cost, reproducible in your own kitchen and interdisciplinary. The emphasis is on a thematic calendar to promote awareness and knowledge for the reconstruction of Ukraine. Experiments: oxidation of monuments and bridges – durability and biocorrosion, bioplastics – new alternative biomaterials, soil acidity – agricultural science for soil sustainability, water filtration with improvised materials – understanding the importance of clean water, paper recycling – conservation of renewable resources.

(L32) Study of New Biowrappers to Reduce Plastics in Our Recesses, M. M. Ávila Ávila (ES)

Institution: IES Martín Rivero

Subjects: Biology, chemistry, mathematics, STEAM

In this project, research has been carried out on plastic pollution today and what this means for the environment and climate change. To avoid or try to help put an end to this problem, our goal is to create the recipe for a completely biodegradable bioplastic from the waste generated by the peels of some fruits that are not reused, such as lemon peels.
This bioplastic is capable of being degraded in the environment, in addition to serving as food for small organisms or as fertilizer when thrown into nature. Another great benefit that would completely change the big problem of pollution is that since it is organic, it is edible and even serves as fertilizer.

(L33) Teaching details of proteins’ structure in 3D, M. Amanuel (SE)

Institution: Procivitas Private School Stockholm

Subjects: Biology, chemistry

Building models is a great way to understand tricky biochemistry concepts. In my project, we focus on proteins, crucial for cell processes. We use a handmade 3D model representing  pepsin´s (a stomach enzyme that breaks down proteins) working mechanism. The model helps discuss protein structure, folding, interactions, proenzyme activation, and amino acid properties. We also talk about inhibitors, in particular allosteric inhibitors.
After these talks, students use an online tool (PDB) to explore a crystalized pepsin structure before and after activation, and with and without substrate-binding. This digital activity adds complexity, showing students the importance of chemical bonds in making proteins work.

(L34) Plants in chemistry studies, M. Koivuniemi & Sari Isokytö- Sinjoi (FI)

Institution: Rauma Teacher Training School

Subjects: Subjects: Chemistry, physics and mathematics

In the pH study, pupils have prepared pH indicator solutions and pH papers from indicator plants of their choice (red-flowered rose, beetroot, radish, turmeric, rhubarb, blueberry,  blackcurrant, red cabbage). The functionality of the indicator has been tested with different strengths of vinegar and baking soda solutions to produce a pH scale for the different indicator plants. We have also used plants in dyeing wool. The students have made various presentations of their work, such as posters and work reports.The use of plants in teaching has brought more practicality to chemistry education. Students have realised that chemistry is everywhere and that experimental work can be done at home.

(L35) The effects of fennel oil in antiacne ointments, L. Muresan (RO)

Institution: Colegiul Național Gheorghe Șincai Cluj-Napoca

Subjects: Biology

Acne is defined as an accumulation of dirt, oil, bacteria or dead skin cells in the pores. “Foeniculum vulgare” or fennel is a highly flavoured aromatic herb, which has been proven to have antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. We tested to see if a product based on fennel oil would have anti acne properties.We created a natural environment from agar and TSB. The mixture was poured in Petri dishes and inoculated with 3 different bacterial cultures, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibacterium acnes. Approx. 27 micrograms of fennel oil, samples of ointments developed in stage 1 and a generic brand cream were placed on sterile cellulose barriers.

(L36) The Protein Factory, I. van der Neut (NL)

Institution: Ludgercollege

Subjects: Biology

Going from DNA to protein is a difficult process for students. In this card game they go through all the steps and a few other biological principles such as temperature dependent enzyme activity. The game is available in a printable version. Just print, cut and play!

(L37) The Spectroscope, P. Chiș (RO)

Institution: Colegiul National George Baritiu

Subjects: Physics, chemistry, astronomy

Make your own spectroscope and you can find out “”messages from the stars “”!
This optical instrument is used in physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, gemology, and it is based on the fact that every element in the periodic table has a unique light spectrum, like a fingerprint. Spectroscopes can examine the composition of the sun, stars, atmospheres of other planets or recognize chemical elements into a fire. Students aged between 15 and 17 contributed to this project using recycled materials and as a diffraction grating a CD or DVD. The students learnt how to make and use it, understood how diffraction occurs, and made a proper interpretation of the resulting images.

(L38) Research and Conferences for Secondary School, S. Varama (FI)

Institution: Orimattilan yhteiskoulu

Subjects: Chemistry

The purpose of this teaching method is to simulate the work of a research group. During this project students travel to a science conference in an exotic place to hear a top researcher. Back at home laboratory they plan and conduct their own research based on the representation of top researcher. In the end they travel to a new conference in exotic place to represent their own work. And all this happens with imagination in a classroom with their own teacher. This method can be implemented in any disciplines. This has been successfully applied in chemistry topics like how to speed up dissolving sugar in water and how buffer solutions react with acids or bases.

(L39) The Wonderful World of Tops! S. O’Connell, L. Hawthorne (UK)

Institution: Foyle College, Banbridge High School

Subjects: Physics, mathematics, engineering, science, art

There is enormous yet untapped potential in spinning tops in education. They are accessible to all age groups, all abilities, all initial levels of interest and all budgets. Tops have been providing fun for generations, readily available in shops or online, and can be produced from natural products (such as acorns!). Despite this they are under-used, if used at all, for educational purposes. I will highlight how they enhance teaching across topics and stages of learning, from basic energy transfer to conservation of momentum, appropriate from primary school science to studies of neutron star precession. My stall will appeal to all!

(L40) Yeast steps on the gas, T. Scheuber & S. Burkhard (CH)

Institution: Gymnasium Kirschgarten

Subjects: Biology, chemistry

Yeast is often used as a model organism in scientific research and in our biology lessons. We have compiled various experiments for our project, and they are suitable for a wide range of different biological topics throughout the curriculum. The students learn to analyse data and use basic statistical skills with the help of digital tools. The experiments deal with cell biology, genetics, biochemistry and biotechnology. Most of the hands-on phenomena are cheap and can be implemented easily in your classroom. The content can be adapted for different school levels. We also established more complex alternative experiments that allow additional (especially quantitative) analyses.

(L41) Using Models at Biology Lessons, V. Lavrinchuk (UA)

Institution: Lyceum 9 Harmony of the city of Kyiv

Subjects: Physics, biology, chemistry

This project is about a modelling method in biology lessons. Due to the lack of any equipment at Ukrainian schools now, we make visual demonstrations from simple and cheap materials like carton, paper, plasticine and some household objects. These are models of the human body and show the location of internal organs. This increases the cognitive interest of children in learning biology.  Also making models with their own hands contributes to the development of experimental skills and improves motivation to study such a complicated subject as biology. The project provides an opportunity to learn and play at the same time. It was shown that their marks improved,  compared to the groups of students that did not work with the models.

(L42) Why science is complex, L. Orosz (HU)

Institution: Északi ASzc Baross László Mezogazdasági Technikum, Szakképzo Iskola és Kollégium Mátészalka

Subjects: Physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, science

We can learn about the laws of order in nature through our thinking and through experience.
A thinking person asks questions and interprets his/her experiences as nature’s answers.
If you want to know

  • what makes the sponge rocket move,
  • how we can give a glass ball extra energy to roll out of a curved tube,
  • why you can’t unscrew the screw nut by hand,
  • how the arms of the carousel rise,
  • why the LED lamp lights up and why the traditional light bulb does not from one type of power source, then visit my booth find out for yourself.
    Provided you watch my tutorial, you can see interesting things like blue or green roses, you can see how the sponge cake behaves when there is no air around it.
(L43) Wind it Up! Using toys as a medium to develop STEM skills at all levels, A. Riddell (UK)

Institution: Lossiemouth High School

Subjects: Physics, mathematics

The project involved colleagues of different disciplines working together to provide a cross curricular experience for our students. We call it Pharmistry and it uses Science (Chemistry), Classics (Latin),  Art, History and Geography. There is also a lot of potential for bringing other subjects in. The focus was on the Ancient Egyptians and to bring the Chemistry and symbolism together. We had sections of study on Mummification, Metals and Metal Extraction, Dyes and Pigments, Cosmetics and Glass.  Most sections involved practical work and subtle relationship to covering the curriculum in an innovative way.

(L44) Sweet math and inspiring assessment in high school, P. Haapasaari (FI)

Institution: Kastellin lukio

Subjects: Mathematics

There are as many different learners in the classroom as there are students. Therefore, versatile teaching methods inspire young people to study more mathematics. Student teachers can practise working as a high school mathematics tutor. High school students can use their own maths skills by teaching elementary school students in maths clubs. High school students can do maths exercises in companies.
It is important for the teacher to evaluate the student’s skills also in different ways. The exam can be done with spoken mathematics as group work. The exam could include group assignments in addition to individual assignments. The test day could be combined with a college visit. Sweet maths on offer!

(L45) Making the invisible visible, Y. Salamanca (SE)

Institution:Vega skola

Subjects: Chemistry

This project immerses students in understanding everyday chemical reactions. Inspired by uteskola (outdoor school), pupils hunt for oxidation examples, capturing and discussing them. Using zinc and copper sulfate, they witness and annotate the oxidation process. The second phase employs ping-pong balls to explore submicroscopic principles and symbolically connect reactions. In the symbolic investigation, students link formulas to physical changes, fostering a sustainable development perspective. The project emphasizes economic, societal, and safety implications, bridging theory and practice for a profound understanding of science in daily life.